Ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm!
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Link to; image of a green r with
roots underneath and the word 'rootid' to the right.
White woman with purple hair and yellow tshirt with a hastag ontop of it taking a selfie. There are protest and social media icons all around her and she is against a light peach colored background.

Ain’t I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it!
- Sojourner Truth

Blog Post
"What does it really look like to highlight and support women?"
Marcus Cinque Harris
As I scroll through hundreds of #WHM posts on my twitter feed, I wonder, how many businesses, organizations, and foundations are prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion in their core cultural values? How many organizations & institutions are putting those values into practice?

What would it look like if we really highlighted and supported the accomplishments of women during Women’s History Month?

Originally started as a week-long celebration in Santa Rosa, California in 1978, Women’s History Month began as hundreds of students paraded the streets and presented essays of appreciation.

The movement spread across the country as other communities initiated their own celebrations, and eventually, Congress passed Public Law 100-9 in 1987, designating March as “Women’s History Month.”

This was only 35 years ago.
narrative strategy parts 1 & 2

If you came to our Storytelling & Narrative Development Roundtable and wanted to go deeper, this is the training for you!

Tuesday(s), March 29 & April 26, 2022
Times: 9am - 12:30pm PST
Cost: $300/participant -or- $600/team (up to 4 people)
Location: Zoom

*You can also take each of these trainings individually or together as a series.

This 2-part training will be co-facilitated by
Ian Madrigal (they/them), creative activist and political strategist behind the viral Monopoly Man appearances in Congress, the shaming of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant, the literal troll of Mark Zuckerberg and trainer with Center for Story-based Strategy.

This workshop will help participants establish clear goals and audiences to sharpen their narrative framework. They will learn to break down their audience into three parts—targets, primary audience, and constituency—and examine the motivations of each so they can more effectively tailor their message.
historical moments in women's history
  • 1789 : Women’s March on Versaille over the high prices and scarcity of bread
  • 1851: A formerly enslaved worker turned abolitionist and women’s rights activist, Sojourner Truth delivers her famous "Ain't I a Woman?" speech at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio
  • 1893 : New Zealand becomes the first self-governing country in the world in which women have the right to vote in parliamentary elections
  • 1938 : Pearl S. Buck used her experience growing up in China with her missionary parents to fuel much of her writing career, her most notable work was a family trilogy: “The Good Earth” (1931), “Sons” (1932), and “A House Divided” (1935), propelled her to become the first female Nobel laureate in Literature.
  • 1942 : During WW2 women took over many of men’s roles in order to maintain the economy. This time period was immortalized by Rosie the Riveter and the iconic catchphrase, “We can do it!”
  • 1964 : Patsy Takemoto Mink became the first woman of color elected to Congress when she won one of Hawaii's seats in the House of Representatives. She served until 1977, advocating for the rights of women, immigrants, and children.
  • 1966: Betty Friedan helped found the National Organization for Women (NOW)
  • 2005 : Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is elected the first woman president of Liberia; becoming the first woman to lead an African nation.
  • 2013: Rwandan Parliamentary elections ushered in a record-breaking 64 per cent of seats for women candidates, making Rwanda the top country for women in politics.
  • 2019: NASA astronauts Jessica Meir and Christina Koch performed the first all woman space walk; Meir and Koch replaced a battery unit that had failed to activate on the exterior of the station, and their achievement is the latest shining example of women influencing and leading an industry historically controlled by men.
Dates: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 / Time: 9am - 11am PST
Cost: FREE
Location: Zoom

Dates: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 / Time: 9am - 12:30pm PST
Cost: Pay what you can—see event details
Location: Zoom

designing equity-centered KPIs for your organization, is it possible?
Dates: Wednesday, June 8, 2022 / Time: 9am - 11am PST
Cost: FREE
Location: Zoom

Dates: Tuesday, June 28, 2022 / Time: 9am - 12:30pm PST
Cost: Pay what you can—see event details
Location: Zoom

(*) Trainings can be paid individually or are unlimited as a part of our
NEW Community Annual Membership. Learn More >>

staff spotlight
Soy Pak-Krisher
Image of Sia Magadan with light pruple circle with her name and title to the right of her face. She is a black woman with black hair tied back. There are small colorful circle in pink, purple and green around the image as well as a small rootid logo in the upper right corner.
What do you do at rootid?
I am the design director at rootid. I help conceptualize the visual brand portion of projects for our clients and am helping to develop our own branding (in progress!). Day to day, I do a lot of hands on design work, manage a small number of designers we work with, and collaborate with our UX and dev teams.

Which of rootid's values resonates with you most?
Health and healing—that flexibility and strength are a continued practices we are being responsive as we learn and heal. I think as sentient creatures, cultivating health starts first within ourselves and then resonates outwards (to community, environment, world). It’s never static—it’s always teetering and takes adapting to. Health, flexibility, strength, and balance are also areas I am deeply interested in exploring physically (through hand-balancing, contortion, acrobatics, martial arts, nutrition).                   

What is your favorite thing about working at rootid?
The people - how kind, genuine and earnest each person is with themselves, one another, the work, and the larger things we try to do collectively.  Having this kind of team with certain shared values allows me to take part in work and goals that I couldn’t accomplish alone.

Please share something that you admire/appreciate about a fellow rootid team member.

I always appreciate Andrew’s ability to problem-solve in a calm, compassionate, clear and rational way. He has an ease of communicating that is grounding and positive.

What’s your all-time favorite book?

Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami

What’s your favorite holiday?
I’m not much of a holiday celebrator, but I’d guess it would have to be Halloween!

What is your favorite superpower?

Being a shameless beginner! Though I’ve also become pretty decent at lock-picking too, which is maybe a more useful superpower.

What would you title the autobiography of your life? favorite holiday?
Salty, Spicy, Tart & Sweet; A memoir through recipes

Women's History Month | March 1
National FarmWorker Awareness Week | March 25 - 31
94th Oscars Ceremony | March 27
we want to hear from you!
How can rootid help you follow through on your commitments to equity?
What communications based topics are you interested in learning more about?

Send us an email...hello(AT)
Cartoon image of Sia Magadan a black woman with black curly hair on top of her head wearing a green turtleneck with yellow poka dots
we are rooted in community.
In partnership, we co-design necessary spaces for strategic thinking, sustainability & growth—using communications & technology as vehicles to advance equity.

We join with others, envisioning a world where those most impacted are prioritized & communications & technology are used to heal & empower rather than divide. Learn more about our team.
Interested in supporting our community engagement work? rootid now has a fiscally sponsored project with the Rose Foundation.

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