Womxn's History Month, Nonprofit News, Women in the Sector Blog Post...and more!
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Link to; image of a green r with roots underneath and the word 'rootid' to the right.
green hills and sun with blue sky in background with multiracial women wearing different colored shirts infront
celebrating phenomenal womxn in march
“Women are fierce — we break barriers, run companies, make scientific discoveries, raise families, and lift each other up. But the fact is, discriminatory policies blocked women from fully participating in our country for generations. It led to disparities in wages, representation and opportunities that we are still tackling. Though we have more Native women serving in Congress, a woman of color in the vice president’s office, and women making moves across the country, we still have to recognize that the disadvantages that we face are created by a system designed to keep us out, and that, coupled with systemic racism, makes Women’s History Month all the more important.”
–Deb Haaland, member of the Laguna Pueblo tribe,
1st Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary
in this edition
  • Nonprofit News: Current Event highlights
  • Blog: Women in the Sector featuring
    Amy Moy, Andrea Manzo, Liz Salter, and Nakeyshia Kendall Williams

  • Upcoming March Roundtables:
    Hiring With Equity in Mind
    Elevate Your Narrative Strategy

nonprofit news
As we continue to build community, we have compiled a list of articles highlighting current events impacting members of our sector.

Student Loans Update: What You Need to Know
Last August, President Joe Biden issued an executive order to forgive $10,000 in student loan debt (and $20,000 for Pell Grant recipients) for borrowers earning $125,000 or less (and couples earning $250,000 or less). Those were not, however, the only changes to the federal student loan program,  and some of these other changes—in particular, modifications to the way that payments owed are calculated—could substantially lower the cost of education for millions of Americans
“Movement or Moment?”
In 2022, the term “social movement” generated more internet searches than in the previous five years according to Google Trends. Given this level of interest, some nonprofits are applying the phrase to such a broad range of activities it is becoming watered down…

5 fundraising ideas to start the year off strong
Exhale. You worked hard to meet last year’s fundraising goals, and now you’re able to look ahead at a new year filled with new possibilities.

Deaf History Month
March 13th - April 15th
Crayola Crayon Day
March 31st

Blog Post
Featuring Amy Moy, Andrea Manzo, Liz Salter and Nakeyshia Kendall Williams
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” – Dolly Parton

This month we are featuring womxn working towards purpose in their own way. We have compiled a group of women that we have not only ‘rubbed shoulders’ with, but are also diligently working to create change in their various fields. We posed a simple question and wanted to hear their various perspectives.

"Women have played a significant role in driving social change and making a positive impact on our communities through (insert your field of work). As a female identifying nonprofit leader, can you share a project or initiative that you or your organization has undertaken to empower women and the impact it has had?"

Hear what each of these amazing leaders had to say... read more
upcoming events
Hiring With Equity in Mind
April 12, 2023 from 10:00am - 11:30am PST
Cost: Free
Elevate Your Narrative Strategy
April 26, 2023 from 10:00am - 11:30am PST
Cost: Free

(If you have the means to contribute, please consider supporting this work. Your donations keep our programs accessible to everyone.)
did you know we do coaching & retreats?
training/facilitation for individuals, organizations, coalitions, & foundations
call for ideas
If there is content, a story, or something else you would love for us to publish in our newsletter, please let us know!

We are open to changing our content and strive to  elevate other voices and interests. Keeping a JEDDI (Justice, Equity, Decolonized, Diversity, and Indigenous) lens is crucial and we need your help to hold us accountable to that as well.


Cartoon image of Sia Magadan a black woman with black curly hair on top of her head wearing a green turtleneck with yellow poka dots
we are rooted in community.
In partnership, we co-design necessary spaces for strategic thinking, sustainability & growth—using communications & technology as vehicles to advance equity.

We join with others, envisioning a world where those most impacted are prioritized & communications & technology are used to heal & empower rather than divide. Learn more about our team.
Interested in supporting our community engagement work? rootid now has a fiscally sponsored project with the Rose Foundation.

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